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Joomla Day 2012 in Germany - Come to meet and talk!

From the start of 2012 until now, Joomla Day 2012 has taken place in 17 cities around the world. The next stop is in Berlin, Germany in October 05-06, 2012. If you have not come to previous 17 Joomla Days yet, this is another chance for you to join one of the biggest annual Joomla events. If you came to one, two, or all of them, I think you will not want to miss this 18th Joomla day. So, this time, what will we have?

Joomla Day 2012 Germany | Joomla Day

Joomla Day 2012 Germany

2 days and many hot topics

There will be 2 days for you to take part in:

  • The business day will be held on 5 October with the participation of agencies, professional Joomla users, and developers.
  • The community day will happen on 6 October, with all Joomla users.

The program of Business day | Joomla Day

The program of Business day

The program of Community day | Joomla Day

The program of Community day

*Note: These programs are provisional, so there may still be some changes

You can come any time from 9AM to 6PM on those 2 days in Joomla Day Germany.

Currently, you can suggest any topic you like to the organizer or sign up as a speaker. Who knows? Your topic might get many 'likes' and you could be a speaker at Joomla Day. Are you excited?

Or, if you don't have any idea about topics, you can also contribute to this event just by voting for one or more suggested topics in the Joomla Day 2012 Germany website.

Among these topics, there are some notable topics which will be presented by popular Joomla bloggers and experts such as Brian Teeman, Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos, Hagen Graf, etc.

Where and how?


Bundesallee 171-175

10715 Berlin

"How to get there?" This is really a big question, right?! Don't worry; you can follow these steps:

  • Get your passport and visa ready if required
  • Buy ticket online. There are 3 kinds of ticket:
    • Joomla all-day ticket: Price: €74.00 including VAT 19.00% (€11.82)
    • Joomla BusinessDay ticket: Price: €69.00 including VAT 19.00% (€11.02)
    • Joomla CommunityDay ticket: Price: €10.00 including VAT 19.00% (€1.60)
  • Book plane tickets to Germany or travel to Joomla Day German by train, car, etc.
  • Find a good hotel close to the location of Joomla Day. There is a small list of hotels within a 3km radius for you to consider. The price range of these hotels is from €59 to €94.
  • Take note of the location where Joomla Day will happen

How to contribute to Joomla Day 2012 Germany?

Joomla Day 2012 Germany creates many favorable opportunities for your company to contribute and find sponsors in this great event. This is a chance for you to promote yourself, your services and products, and introduce them to many Joomla users. There are 2 ways for you to contribute:

  • Contribute as a sponsor. They offer different ways of sponsorship: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsors.
  • You also could contribute to promote this event by getting the Jooma! Day 2012 Germany banners shown on your website.


Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 75x75 | Joomla Day

Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 75x75

Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 150x250 | Joomla Day

Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 150x250

Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 728x90 | Joomla Day

Joomla Day 2012 Germany Banner 728x90

You can get the banner codes and more banner sizes here.

In conclusion

If you are interested in this Joomla event and don't want to miss this big and interesting meeting, then pack your bag and come along! It is a chance for you to get more knowledge about Joomla, find out some great things about Joomla, and make some new friends, Joomla Day 2012 Germany will welcome you.

If you know anything cool and new about this event, don't be shy about sharing it by leaving your comments right here.

Last modified on Вторник, 25 июня 2013 02:40

Laura Andersons

Joomla! and Open Source fan. In spare time he writes the blog posts about Joomla Tutorials including reviews of popular Joomla Templates, Extensions and services. If you have started learning Joomla just buzz him via Skype, He would be glad to help you :).

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